Once there, I'll click "Load Presets", and select "Pastel (Dark Background)".
Iterm download install#
Check the box to "Automatically download and install updates in the future".However, there have been updates since then, including bug fixes for Yosemite, so the first thing I'm going to do is install the updates. Now, as I'm recording this video, the version of iTerm that you get when you click that big button is actually version 2.0 because it's the "Last stable release".

Your system will ask if you're sure you want to open this file, and you do, so click "Open". Let's go ahead and open up iTerm by going to the "Applications" folder and double clicking "iTerm". At this point, you can safely delete the zip file that iTerm came in.Once you've done that, unzip that file and drag and drop the "iTerm" application into your "Applications" folder for permanent storage.You can download iTerm from by clicking the big download button at the bottom of the homepage.
Iterm download how to#
So, in this video, I'll show you how to install and configure iTerm on a Mac. However, iTerm has some additional functionality not present in the default terminal application. If you want, you can use the built in Terminal application to perform all of the functions I'll describe in this series. Macs comes with one simply named "Terminal", however, I've chosen to use a popular alternative terminal emulator named "iTerm".

Most operating systems come with a built-in terminal application.